Saturday, October 13, 2007

I am a blogger now

The main reason for this blog is Spendy. As most of you know, he is a two year old orphan who lives in Haiti that we are adopting. We began this whole process when Shanley came back from spending a month at the orphanage in Port au Prince that is part of Three Angels Childrens Relief. She fell in love with many of the children, but Spendy tugged at her heart in a special way. Through her emails Ted and I went, in a sense, to Haiti . They caused us to make a connection with the children there. I found myself praying for "forever families" for the children who did not yet have them. As Shanley told us more about Spendy, how reserved he was, how he clung to her, how he began to open up after being given attention, we found ourselves hurting for this little one. I would pray, "Lord, I pray that you would move the hearts of the parents that you have determined for Spendy." As time went by, I found myself saying, "Lord, are we those parents?" "Compel us, give us a desire, urge us if this is what you have for Spendy and us," I prayed. All of our reasons for not adopting seemed small and wrong when put next to the words that the Holy Spirit inspired James to write: "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained by the world" (James 1:27). So here we are in the process of adopting Spendy and God has made it our fondest desire to do so. This blog will be a place for those of you who want to to keep up on what's going on with Spendy and the rest of us as we travel this adoption road.

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